Thursday, September 23, 2010

30 Year Reunion with Fireworks & Apple Crisp

So, my 30 year high school reunion was this summer. I was thinking I would go, then I was thinking, no way I am going, and then I finally went. It is so funny how we all view ourselves in high school. I think all of us feel that maybe we didn't fit in so well, maybe no one really knew us at all, and maybe no one will even recognize us when we do show up, but thankfully, this is very far from the truth. Our reunion was perfect. We were each given a name tag with our pictures from the 1980 high school yearbook on it, and everyone recognized everybody. The night was complete with good food, music, drink and even fireworks! I am so very happy that I went. What a blessing to see everyone again, all grown up and settled in their lives. If you haven't given yourself this opportunity, and you have the chance, show up, stand tall and prepare yourself for laughter. There is simply nothing like visiting the past with those that knew you way back when. While you are thinking of all of those great high school memories, you can put together this apple crisp in a few minutes, and enjoy the wonderful smells coming from the oven. Bon Appetite ( I am taking French class :))
Apple Crisp - peel & slice 8 - 10 apples (green are better) and sprinkle with 1/4 cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. In a food processor pulse 1/2 cup walnuts, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar & 3 tablespoons of butter. Butter a caserole dish and throw in apples, put sprinkle topping on top and bake @ 350 for 30 minutes.